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Kcanther & Ino Roadmap - Section 5 - Milestones - Part 2
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Kcanther & Ino Roadmap - Section 5 - Milestones - Part 2
Last updated
Platforms currently in development or in advanced design phases. Some are under construction, while others are close to their launch. These future stages are designed to align with the overall strategic vision and the needs of the ecosystem.
⏳︱Website - kcalbcoin.org: Detailed information about the features of Kcalbcoin (KCA), its uses, and key aspects of its ecosystem.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalbcoin.org: Comprehensive information about the utility of the Kcalbcoin (KCA) token, including details about the blockchain, the whitepaper, and other aspects related to its use.
⏳︱Website - inoai.org: The InoAi website and its GitBook provide detailed information about the InoAi blockchain, its features, and its development goals.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Comprehensive guide about the use of InoAi, its objectives, its strategic role in recentralisation, and an in-depth presentation of its whitepaper.
🚧︱Website - inostocks.org: Platform dedicated to the creation and development of entrepreneurial projects.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inostocks.org: User guide for the InoStocks platform, including detailed instructions on participation methods and available features.
🚧 ︱Website - ds-nft.org: Official recognition platform for companies within the InoAi ecosystem, providing a showcase for companies that integrate Digital Stock Non-Fungible Tokens (DS-NFTs) into their assets, thereby enhancing their identity, initiatives, and strategic development.
🚧 ︱GitBook - docs.ds-nft.org: Detailed guide on how to use the DS-NFT platform, including eligibility requirements, steps to submit a listing application, and methods to participate in the available features.
⏳︱Website - inogives.org: Multi-blockchain Web 3.0 platform aiming to highlight community-driven and non-profit projects.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.inogives.org: User guide for the InoGives platform, with instructions on participation methods and available features.
⏳︱Website - inoplace.org: Platform dedicated to the exchange of Digital Stock Non-Fungible Tokens (DS-NFTs) within the InoAi ecosystem.
⏳︱Gitbook - docs.inoplace.org: Detailed information about the functionality, available tools, and best practices for using the InoPlace platform.
⏳︱Website - kcalb-investors.org: Exclusive access for Kcanther NFT holders to a platform dedicated to Kcalb Ltd.’s initiatives.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalb-investors.org: Provides information on the company's activities, initiatives, and voting options for Kcanther NFT holders.
⏳︱Website - kcalb.community: Creation of an online space allowing members to create profiles, form groups, and discuss upcoming projects.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalb.community: Detailed user guide presenting its use and collaborative features.
⏳︱Website - linkcots.org: Detailed information on the features of LinKcotS (LK$), its uses and key aspects of its ecosystem.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.linkcots.org: Comprehensive document about the utility of the LinKcotS (LK$) token, including information on the blockchain, whitepaper, and other aspects related to its use.
🚧︱Website - inoshop.org: Online multivendor store reserved for companies holding DS-NFTs.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inoshop.org: User manual for InoShop, including methods for uploading products and sales conditions.
🚧︱Website - inoplay.org: Multiplatform participation with interactions within the InoAi ecosystem.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inoplay.org: Detailed information presenting InoPlay, its features, and the various related applications in this environment.
Future presales are major milestones, offering an exclusive opportunity to acquire assets in advance. Each launch align with the progress of the roadmap, informing about important developments and allowing participants to get involved early in the expanding ecosystem. Updates will be regularly communicated via our social media and official platforms, ensuring complete transparency regarding upcoming dates and opportunities.
⏳︱Website - kcalbcoin.org: - Presale of Kcalbcoin (KCA) token on Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. - Presale of Kcalbcoin (KCA) token on Cronos (CRO) blockchain.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalbcoin.org: Detailed information available on the Presale page of Kcalbcoin documentation.
⏳︱Website - inoai.org: - Presale of InoAi (INO) token on Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. - Presale of InoAi (INO) token on Cronos (CRO) blockchain.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Detailed information available on the Presale page of InoAi documentation.
⏳︱Website - linkcots.org: Presale of LinKcotS (LK$) token on InoAi (INO) blockchain.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.linkcots.org: Detailed information available on the Presale page of LinKcotS documentation.
🚧︱Website - inoai.org: Deployment of the InoAi collection on InoPlace ➢ Mint directly on inoplace.org. ➢ Mint directly on inoai.org.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Detailed information available on the InoAi documentation.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Deployment of the Baby Kcanther collection on crypto.com/nft. ➢ Mint directly on crypto.com/nft.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-baby.kcanther.org: Detailed information about Baby Kcanther.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Deployment of the Kcanther Return collection on InoPlace. ➢ Mint directly on inoplace.org. ➢ Mint directly on kcanther.org.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-return.kcanther.org: Detailed information about the Kcanther Return collection.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Deployment of the Kcantherhouse collection on InoPlace. ➢ Mint directly on inoplace.org. ➢ Mint directly on kcanther.org.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-kcantherhouse.kcanther.org: Detailed information about the Kcantherhouse.
The implementation of key protocols aims to support the growth and expansion of the ecosystem. These strategic initiatives strengthen the interconnection of elements within the structure, contributing to the environment's continuous growth and aligning each step with the overall vision of the Kcanthers.
✓︱Website - inoai.live: Block explorer allows the verification and exploration of all transactions on the InoAi.Live blockchain.
🔜 ︱Gitbook - docs.inoai.live: Detailed information guide explaining how to use the InoAi.Live block explorer.
⏳︱Website - kcalbcoin.org:
Liquidity Pool on Uniswap
Liquidity Pool on VVs Finance
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalbcoin.org: Detailed information on the Liquidity Pool page of the Kcalbcoin documentation.
⏳︱Website - inoai.org: Sending InoAi to governance and company 184 wallets, as outlined in the whitepaper.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Detailed information on the Whitepaper page of the InoAi documentation.
⏳︱Website - inoswap.org: Platform dedicated to the conversion of digital assets and provision of liquidity in pools.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.inoswap.org: Detailed information about InoSwap process and functionalities.
⏳︱Website - inoswap.org: - 1:1 Conversion of InoAi token to native and vice versa without gas fees. - Swapping cryptocurrencies within the InoAi ecosystem. - Liquidity pool on InoSwap for InoAi: ➢ LP (INO/ETH) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with Ethereum (ETH). ➢ LP (INO/USDT) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with Tether (USDT). ➢ LP (INO/CRO) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with Cronos (CRO). ➢ LP (INO/KCA) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with Kcalbcoin (KCA).
⏳︱Website - inobridge.org: Protocol connecting the InoAi blockchain to selected chains, enabling 1:1 migration of digital assets and enhancing cross-chain compatibility.
GitBook - docs.inobridge.org: User guide presenting InoBridge use and features.
⏳︱Website - inoswap.org: - Swapping cryptocurrencies within the InoAi ecosystem. - Liquidity pool on InoSwap for LinKcotS: ➢ LP (INO/LK$) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with LinKcotS (LK$). ➢ LP (INO/KCA) - Liquidity pool pairing InoAi (INO) with Kcalbcoin (KCA).
⏳︱GitBook - docs.linkcots.org: Detailed guide on the conversion steps and use of LinKcotS features.
🚧︱Website - recentralization.finance: ReFi (ReCentralisation Finance): Financial system connecting governance entities to the InoAi blockchain, enabling the allocation and exchange of their fiat currencies in tokenized form.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.recentralization.finance: Detailed manual presenting ReFi, its features, and the various applications related to this environment
🚧︱Website - recentralization.finance: Progressive activation of liquidity pools for tokenized fiat currencies, following the documentation and deployment plan on the InoAi blockchain.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.recentralization.finance: Detailed manual presenting ReFi, its features, and the various applications related to this environment.
Enhancing the features of the ecosystem, enabling participants to contribute actively.
⏳︱Website - kcalbcoin.org: Passive accumulation of Kcalbcoin (KCA) digital assets through staking.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcalbcoin.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of Kcalbcoin documentation.
⏳︱Website - kcanther.org: Passive accumulation for Kcanther Non-Fungible Tokens holders in Ethereum (ETH) through staking.
⏳︱GitBook - docs.kcanther.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of Kcanther documentation
🚧︱Website - inoai.org: Passive accumulation of InoAi (INO) digital assets through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of InoAi documentation.
🚧︱Website - inoai.org: Passive accumulation for Kcanther Non-Fungible Tokens holders in InoAi (INO) through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.inoai.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of InoAi documentation.
🚧︱Website - linkcots.org: Passive accumulation of LinKcotS (LK$) digital assets through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.linkcots.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of LinKcotS documentation.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Passive accumulation for Baby Kcanther Non-Fungible Tokens holders in Cronos (CRO) through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-baby.kcanther.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of Baby Kcanther documentation.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Passive accumulation for Kcanther Return Digital Stock Non-Fungible Tokens holders in InoAi (INO) through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-return.kcanther.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of Kcanther Return documentation.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org: Passive accumulation for Kcanther Back Digital Stock Non-Fungible Tokens holders in LinKcotS (LK$) through staking.
🚧︱GitBook - docs-kcantherhouse.kcanther.org: Detailed information available on the Skating page of Kcanther Back documentation.
🚧︱Website - kcanther.org:
Creation and development of the Kcanther brand identity, with the objective of strengthening its visibility and brand presence.
🚧︱GitBook - docs.kcanther.org: Detailed information available on the Product branding page of Kcanther documentation.
GitBook - docs.inoswap.org: Detailed guide on the conversion steps and use of InoSwap features.